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Supplementary Set for Torsion Apparatus

Cat.n.: 1018787
Set of round bars for measuring torsion, directivity and shearing...
11 204,60 CZK

Ultrasonic Adapter Lead

Cat.n.: 1018750
Adapter lead for rectifying high-frequency output signals from the...
1 403,60 CZK

Ultrasonic Probe, 4 MHz, GS200

Cat.n.: 1018619
Ultrasonic probe for investigations with small penetration depths and...
46 693,90 CZK

Ultrasonic Probe, 2 MHz, GS200

Cat.n.: 1018618
Ultrasonic probe for investigations at medium penetration levels and...
40 813,30 CZK

Ultrasonic Probe, 1 MHz, GS200

Cat.n.: 1018617
Ultrasonic probe for tests involving large penetration depths or high...
38 320,70 CZK

Ultrasonic Echoscope GS200

Cat.n.: 1018616
Operational device for conducting ultrasonic experiments in...
222 022,90 CZK

Set of Weights 1 g to 500 g, slotted with Holder

Cat.n.: 1018597
13-piece set of brass weights on convenient storage rack. 1x 1 g, 2x...
4 198,70 CZK

Equipment Set “Stereophonic Hearing”

Cat.n.: 1018551
Experiment Topics: · Directions of sound · ...
4 948,90 CZK

Torsion Apparatus

Cat.n.: 1018550
Measurement apparatus for investigating torsion as applied to bars...
15 500,10 CZK

Young’s Modulus Supplementary Set

Cat.n.: 1018528
Set of flat bars with the effective lengths of 200, 300 and 400 mm...
7 332,60 CZK

Apparatus for Measuring Young’s Modulus

Cat.n.: 1018527
Measuring apparatus for investigating the elastic deformation of rods...
29 064,20 CZK

Thin Sections, Fossils and Meteorites

Cat.n.: 1018505
4 Microscope Slides size 30 x 45 mm2, without box. Contents:...
5 190,90 CZK

Quincke’s Resonance Tube

Cat.n.: 1018475
Quincke’s resonance tube is used for demonstrating interference...
8 554,70 CZK

Light Box P

Cat.n.: 1018471
Colours: Coloured light and coloured objects Mixture of colours ...
8 373,20 CZK

Equipment Set “Sound Propagation in Rods” (230 V, 50/60 Hz)

Cat.n.: 1018469
Experiment Topics: · Speed of propagation of sound pulses in...
14 132,80 CZK
